Saturday 9 April 2016

Jack Duckworth & the Slimming Club

Chronicles of my my quest getting it going on and being bang tidy in my 40's!



My crazy yoga pal has talked me into joing Slimmingworld with her . She joined last week , her crazy exploits keep me entertained no end so I've mainly joined to spend time with her . Although I have got some weight to shift to boot too!!

The SW group was a good 35 minute drive on a good day from my house. Its held inn area which is classed as quite cosmopolitan and also affluent area. Known for its beautiful beach views, yoga studios and one of the best private schools in the country.  The SW group however wasn't held in the usual Church Hall/Community Centre favoured by weight loss groups but a real old fashioned "boozer". Don't get me wrong I no snob ... ok a bit of a one I am called  'fur coat Big Knickers' after all !!  I'm not expecting it to be cloud 23 bar in the hilton but its not even one of the lovely wine bars in abundance up here.  Anyway I approach the entrance to the doors where there is a huddle of men standing smoking outside. I excuse my way through them,  one of the men smoking  who resembles a younger Jack Duckworth pipes up , "Can i help you?"   to which I mutter  in my best snooty  tone "Er ...I don't think so "and dodge around him and enter the door.

I go into my class and pay my fees to join , the lady taking the money says " I need to introduce you to the  slimming world consultant , he'll be here in a minute ". 

"He'll be here in a minute" ..... "HE will be here in a minute" echoes throughout my brain the leader  of my new slimming world group  is a man. Yes you know where this story is going 'Jack Duckworth' is only my the bloody consultant .  

We've already met .... Kill me now !!!

Any one know how many SYNS in a large slice of humble pie?

 to be continued 

ang x

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